Similar but Different Objects
2 min readOct 22, 2021
Products: Project I
— one interaction in a similar way —
- make a set of primitive objects with each requiring a person to interact the “same” way
- ellipsoid(clay), cylinder(foam), rectangular prism(foam core), clay form
- How do they belong together?-movement through impressions
The Delivery:
- demonstrate the development of thee objects through sketches and prototypes
- demonstrate the fundamental action through 4 objects
- demonstrate the visual/physical characteristics of each object through technical illustrations
— environment, performance, relation to people —
- strength, appeal, behavior, feel, status, safety, and production
— addresses a basic need(improve meaning and performance)-how our needs change
What to consider?(some qualitative info)
- range of motion
- amount of pressure
- grip
- shape of motion
- ambiguity with function
- certain affordances
- testing with other people
- challenging assumptions
How is the model presented?
How do they pick it up? Which hand? Both hands?
Time to figure out comfortability?
How are they exploring it?
Should it be immediate?
What effect am I looking for?
- take measurements/dimensions
- vector drawings(isometric)
- frames/templates
Project Plan:
- finalize clay form and movement
- vector illustrations
- create frames/template for cylinder and begin prototyping
- sketch ideas for ellipsoid and begin ASAP
- template for rectangular prism and start with card stock
— Tuesday —